Lott Middle School Library Media Center

Media Specialist:

Tara Jernigan

Phone: 251-221-2240


The Mission of Lott Middle School Library Media Center is to provide a program that will ensure all students and faculty will have access to the most advanced technology and printed materials available. The mission also is to provide leadership and expertise in assisting patrons in finding and using information effectively.

2022-2023 Library Media Handbook




Our students have access to MANY free ebooks with the Open eBooks app.  Download the app in the App Store, choose to log in with FirstBook, and use the information below.  If you used the app last year, you have to enter the new information for this year's subscription. Enjoy!

Open eBooks All Ages
Collection (1 User Code + PIN)
Access Code and PIN(s): AT5D9MA6WT | 2987

Open eBooks High School Collection (1 User Code + PIN)
Access Code and PIN(s): HPMZGK89X3 | 6349

Open eBooks Elementary Collection (1 User Code + PIN)
Access Code and PIN(s): EPA8UQYBIN | 9305

Open eBooks Middle School Collection (1 User Code + PIN)
Access Code and PIN(s): MACP5IW82S | 1036


Check out our Links section to access AVL, Learning.com, and other resources you may find helpful.


MCPSS Resources

MCPSS Resources
Go to the MCPSS link (you may have to sign in using your MCPSS username and password) to see various resources made available to you via MCPSS: Big Universe, Discovery Education, Learning.com, One Drive, etc.

Teacher Resources

Library Media Policies And Procedures Handbook

Mobile County Library Media Policies and Procedures Handbook

This handbook is designed to serve as a guide and provide pertinent information for library media personnel in the Mobile County Public Schools. Its purpose is to facilitate some uniformity of operation without demanding conformity, since individual schools vary greatly in size, composition of student body, and library media staff. Revisions and updating will be ongoing as changes in state and system requirements and new needs arise.

Alabama Virtual Library (AVL)

Alabama Virtual Library (AVL)

The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources are available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.

If you enjoy the benefits that AVL brings to your school, college, library or home, please take a few minutes to thank your local legislators for providing this resource for the State of Alabama

Mobile County Public Library


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Password: wildcats


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Password: guests